

A cry for equality in our nation's
Why are we treated like animals
in some of our countries?
why are the rich not facing the law for disobeying law and orders.

Why are we treated badly
especially the middle class and the poor in some of our countries.
We pray and cry for equality in our countries let's everyone be treated equally after all we are all humans,why are we treated not well in our own countries.

Especially in Africa , Asia and some parts of Europe.
the politicians default in the rules and regulations of the countries but are not punished.
we are tired of been treated unfairly.

Standing in as a black man,
i cry for fair treatment in the white man's land.
our black brothers and sisters are actually more skilled than the white's, but yet we are treated bad like a second class citizen.

I feel for our brothers and sisters who have lived in Europe and south America,who are been maltreated by the government.
our black men are been cheated by some dubious white men
i cry for fair treatment.
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