

I ventured away from civilization
In search of the source of relaxation
Mother nature and the sheer beauty of her creation
Navigated me through my rehabilitation
The source of my souls exploration
Depended solely upon my transformation
The kind hand of liberation
Just fucking jolt me right out of hibernation
Put on pause this overdosing life of imagination
Light a fire under my ass to drive motivation
I straight up refuse to consume their mutation
While pressed up against a cage which has no ventilation
I bought your panicked symptoms of constipation
Then regurgitated the terms of vapid authentication
Those fables built elaborate stages for my assassination
Riddled with anxieties mirroring this abomination
Who am I don't depend on feelings of protection
What kind of aide would hold up in this generation?
A compounding orphan afflicted distortion
A longing to move away from the mass population
But encased in their grey matter degradation
When my soul cries out in abrupt frustration
How does one exactly...