

Something I've been longing to see
A place where my spirit is longing to be
A place where I'm no longer bound but finally free
A time where my spirit will be at peace
Lord God I'm in awe of your glory
At the throne of grace and mercy

Lord God when will we meet?
I'm longing to be at your feet
To worship night and day
What will I say?
What kind of thoughts will fill my brain?
Should I stand or take a seat?
Will there be a musical beat?
As I make my entry and walk down the golden streets
Will there be a melody?
Will there be a sense of tranquility?
Or will the music be more upbeat?

Oh my heart do not grow faint
Even though I have to wait
I must not grow weary
I know this journey is not going to be easy
But I must run the race that is set before me

I know that the LORD will keep his promise to you and me
For I do not know when my time will be
Right now it's just a mystery

One day I will see it all more clearly


© 2019 GospelCreations®Online Freestyle Poetry Divinely inspired/FSHS