

What does the future bring?
What does the future bring?
Will i be happy?
Will i be sad?
Will i be good, or bad?

What does the future bring?
Will i be rich, or will i be poor?
Will i own a market or a store?

What does the future bring?
Will i have a wife, or live alone?
Will i be as white as snow, or as dark as coal?

What does the future bring?
Will there be Autumn, or Spring?
Will i wear a watch, or a ring?

What does the future bring?
Will i live in a house, or a cottage?
Will i deliver pizzas, or a package?

What does the future hold?
Will i be as coward as a chicken, or Lion bold?

What does the future bring?
I don't know, but i know i will always

© chellybano