


To silence mockers and end their arguments faster than you know, you need proofs. Proofs silence mockery and arguments faster than fighting back or confrontations

Few years back a mentor challenged me with some mind blowing and thought provoking words that have enlightened impacts on my life which I can never forget, those words challenged my thoughts, my mindset was positively enlightened, and I believe it will be appropriate sharing it with you too, because many of us have been wasting time and energy confronting and on the defensive side from years to years, listen.

“Instead of fighting back or confronting mockers, channel that energy on how to generate proofs and more proofs, because truly nothing dissolves the argument of mockers and silences their mockery faster than proofs. For instance, when arguments opposed the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, he refused to fight back, argue or confronted them, Instead he allowed the proof of his miracles to silence them: he only showcase the proofs such as the blind received their sights (proof), the lame walked (proofs), the poor receives the word preached to them (proofs) and the mockers left him for a while. Let your mindset change as from today, you have fought the right battles, with the wrong mindsets enough. I have been mocked and abused, believe me I have seen mockeries and am still expecting more, you need to understand that it is a normal thing except your dream is not big enough, Joseph story should encourage you.

When I was starting in my career, business and ministry, friends, neighbours, mentors and families all mocked one way and...