

The tears of the African child.
Take a brief moment and observe the tears of a child.
what future awaits them?
when our lands are being invaded by foreigners.
Our water bodies are being destroyed.
Our precious minerals are being carried away.
Our rich soil are being depleted.
Look into the eyes of your children.
What will be their fate when you are no more?

Take some time to think about our innocent children.
What will happen to them in our absence?
When orphans are left on the streets,
and widows struggle to make ends meet.
The fatherless suffer without any help.
The poor child faces rejection without mercy.
Some are left to fend for themselves without any proper education.
What future awaits them?

Look at the child next to you.
What do you make of their future?
Where will they make their livelihood?
A vast portion of our vegetation has been rendered bare.
A great number of our timber have been cut down.
Most of our forest reserves are on the brink of destruction.
Most of our forest animals are on the verge of extinction.
What do you in the tears of the African child.