

mixed emotions
Losing someone special in life it's hard and I am sorry that it had to be this way I know where we are millions of people n thousands of miles away from each other
Now it's time we come together someone special that was made to be a part of my life and we have strong feelings about were I mean we grew up with each other fought with each other and most important of all is all the laughter we had my child hood years
I have lost all the special memories do to my behavior And I have lost my only support I thought I had but that one person saved my life each time even tho where millions of miles away but always a phone call away
I have lost the happiness that I used to feel I have lost that someone that who would always be on my side no matter what I have lost the special feeling when l That day I Lost my mind over my heart and that's when the battle has begin I know this is not the start
This was supposed to be in life
I am missing you more my friend
Because I have lost you in life I miss everything about you your laugh your smile and cries I miss our late long nights of hours of talking, laughing joking crying I miss the late night games and talks and also the advice and the spiritual lectures you gave me Cause of the concern and I miss the adventures and risk of sacrifices
I miss the fights even though we end up laughing at the ridiculous things we did as kids growing up especially I really miss your ¹the hugs,I miss seeing ya sing and dance all over no matter what dancing and also I won't forget the times we did when we were stupidly high missing all the bitching and yapping about friends and people just listing to you vent about what they did or who did what I miss the thoughts and all the crazy adventures we did together growing up and to being a great mother friend sister you ever coyld have and the day I arrive at your destination I miss you my friend and I will never waste time without you when the day comes Without a Friend Like You there seems to be no beat in the music no taste in life Without a friend like you there seems to be no fun in the rain like it used to like the old days
Without a friend like you the parties seem so incomplete and boring Without a friend like you I find it hard to even breathe everything I know your not doing so well Without you there seems to be no beauty in the sun and no moon in the sky only stars that I can use wishing on you Without you there is no me I really miss you so much, please why don't you please just come to me just where I know you'll be just fine
I think that I must confess it to you that I have had the Best time with you in life my friend You were the one who would make me smile and have had wipe my tears and always have a listening ear n an open shoulder to cry on you were always there for me all while
Supporting me throughout my fears and all the tragedy I've been through and all The bonding we shared as kids and now we are facing the real world as adults pretty soon my dear friend we shall reunited once again Life without you is not the same Life has gone for a toss without you let us relive our memories and trust our instincts and wait til the time has come for us together once and for all and let us be best friends again and to my sisters that
I am missing so much!
Every time I look at our picture from a long time ago I And I remembered our time together that I truly cherished
My eyes get filled with tears,My heart cannot be put together over this separation it's like when I left you took a part of me Now Every piece of my body aches for you and my mind is like a war just knowing your there n I'm here and to be honest I cry myself to sleep at night just wishing you'd just come to me I'm telling you my friend I miss you so much that none could ever describe. I have faith in you my friend I put all my trust n dignity that one day we shall see each other again love youAfter all the life we live and that can be a blessing ,sometimes it may hurt. It may hurt so bad to where you cannot breathe.You're supposed to be here for me but where were you when I needed you the most, and it makes me so mad. And I know you're not there because you were the only person to calm me down when there's a storm rattlin to begin no one was by my side to help me walk through my emotions
Some people may say I'm strong, but deep down inside I was truly hurt to where I felt like my heart was broken into pieces but how dare you leave me alone with no one here no one there like You said to me "forever together," but you lied. In the future i hope that our dreams were like butterflies and cannon balls it went up then it went down but It's not your fault nor mine I just wanted you to help me battle on what's inside my head. Without you here, this world's don't seem right without you without you. My heart, it feels like its crumbling every time I know your not there to protect me like you said you would I'm broken without you. I Can't think straight that the pain send from heaven? I don't want it to be real. I just cannot imagine you being gone so soon and so fast it was your time to go and i had nothing to do about it
But the time on this earth you taught me to learn how to deal with my pain and mixed emotions now that your gone and its time that i realize to fight my own battles, now it is time that i start trying to live the life i never thought i would ever had this Time without you. Knowing that you're gone, what do I do with my time here spent on earth? Time doesn't make sense. It's like an illusion. Facing the facts to find a conclusion. It feels like I'm running and trying to hide from the world no one here no one there just me and my thoughts,Pain is the consequence. I'd give my life for one last touch and one more chance to tell you that i love you ,i remember those moments where i hold your hand, and hear your voice one last time to say Our last goodbye but then now i realize your in a better places now where there is no more pain no one guilt and shame and no one more worrying heres my last written goodbye and me saying see you when its my time to go
I wanted to give up so bad I thought about it what am I going to do but I didn't want to act upon my thoughts knowing I'm not looking my best today
It was my fault that I let myself get right back into my addiction to get the the best of me most of the time win,but my heart is too strong to let my body give in.I've been down that road too many times before,a life and a struggle, that I don't want anymore.I will keep fighting, and I will move on,until all the side effects of my addiction are gone.
Taking a lifetime to recover from this,but all the pain and suffering I do not miss.
I'll never forget the person I left in my past,so beaten and broken, from living life too fast.
The pain and the memories, I swore I'd never let go,the tears and the heart break I finally let show.
I had to face myself, to learn who I was inside,running for so long, I knew I could no longer hide.I wanted out, I wanted to break free of this,but I have to admit the pills and the dope I still miss.