

All the things I want to say,
All the things I want to hear,
Of course it's okay.
Of course,
I know that relationships aren't really the best for you,
It's not like you had a solid one before me.
It's not like you know the rules.
Those invisible rules.
Those rules I can't seem to grasp,
No matter how hard I try.
Care for him,
While he's telling me not to,
Give him support,
When all he says is that he's fine,
For Goddess's sake,
Make up your mind.

Or at least answer when I ask,
How do I show you things that say I care?
I kiss you,
I hate kissing.
I touch you,
I hate the female body.
I love you,
But you just tell me I don't care.

Life hasn't been perfect.
I wasn't taught this stuff.
And I'm sorry.
Sorry I was dealt this hand.

You have no idea,
I want to start over,
Want to try again,
You have no idea,
How hard it is,
Getting up every single day,
And not picking up the blade.
I'm sorry I'm here.
Sorry I don't want to be.
I'm sorry.
Sorry I must be broken.
© Karia FelWell