

The Cries.🩸
What music is it I feel at midnight
What cries sing me lullabies in my dreamland
Mastered is the routined reminders
Of my brethren and of their cries

The cries of the once joyful humanity
Smiles a second, bloodbath the next
Happiness now rather snatched
Lives taken and Lands stolen

The cries of those treated like trash
Disposed to the streets, Denied of their rights
Made them feel cursed to be born
Their lives filled with overgrowing thorns

The cries of the young lad
Curled up by the street sides
Calling voraciously for his family
Bleeding slowly in vanity

The cries of an unhealthy father
With self-resentment for heedlessness
As his whole family really seemed
To have vanished before his very eyes

The cries of that striving mother
Wanting desperately to find her child
Fighting to shield him from danger
That had taken rest on their soil

The cries of my fellow Muslims
Whose faith held them strong
While they're treated with misconduct
Due to the way of life they belong

Sing me not a nightmare
But a way of escape
Not from means of solidarity
But from the torture of the criers

© dh_irah✨🦋