

If the mirror could talk
If the mirror could talk,
He would remind you of the 24times 
You looked at it today
Without recognizing how perfect your beauty is.
He would tell you of his awe every single time.
How he wished, he could explain it to you.
He would wonder if the stars also do this;
Fail to notice how brightly they shine. 

If the mirror could talk,
He would remind you of the 24times 
Your smile was replaced by a frown 
Because of one insignificant detail. 
'You are the Pacific Ocean of perfections,
Even Mount Everest would drown in you,
How much can a blackhead really do?'
He would gently ask. 

If the mirror could talk,
He would remind you of the 24times 
You muttered wishes underneath your breath.
A longer nose, a sexier pose, smaller lips and wider hips.
But who dares to edit the mona lisa,
Or faults Beethoven's 9th symphony.
And yes, you are more than a priceless work of art,
Made by the perfectionist, God himself .

If the mirror could talk, 
He would remind you of the 24times 
He admired 24 different things about you.
How each time, you left him breathless.
He would ask you how those beautiful eyes, 
Could look at beauty and fail to see it.
But maybe the mirror does talk,
And you just need to start listening.