

A letter to my love
Hey beautiful!
You might think this is just a poem
But it is a letter to you,
You know how I'm not always open,
But I wanted to tell you this for long,
I am proud of the woman you are
And the woman you have become
I love how you can be so bizarre
But I'm not calling you weird,
I just love how you can be jealous too
Over things that do not exist
Like falling in love with someone new;
Hey, I get where you are coming from
And I assure you that it will be fine
Because I love how you feel like home,
Make me glad that you are mine,
I have no intentions of finding somebody
Who would not know me the way you do
She might hold a lot of charm and beauty
But to me, no one compares to you.

I love you stupid ♡
© J. Phillipi