

You pressured me
Being on the top you always want me to be,
I tried to impress you
Do all the things you want me to do.

I study hard to make you proud of me
But I ended up being failure like you always see me,
You can't look at my grade even if it's high
You are not proud, tell me what to do about my life.

I did my best
Please make me rest,
I am so tired thinking
This pain has no ending.

Even if I did my best you can't appreciate and value it
Even just a simple failed,
Education and reputation is important for you
Not my health and you never take care of it like I always do.

Sorry for not being a good kid to you
It's just I am so tired to impress you,
Just for once let me breathe
I did my best for you and so be it.

© Skyler