

Puffy eyes and red cheeks,

Just woke up from a dream.

You were again by my door

begging in front of It.

'The first big tragedy

of your life'

our momma said.

I can't hear your sounds anymore,

why can't ghosts talk?

Used to purr on my legs

while You died of kisses

so You bit my nose.

People asking about You,

asking for pictures of You

that I showed them not long ago,

I should've just shut up.

Should I print them

to haunt myself everyday

when mom said

to decorate the room?

Should I leave It void so

if You're back

you'll recognize?

Would It give my dad

more to cry about?

Watching TV and going to McDonald's

but I feel like I could die,

or will I die?

Are You happy there?

Do You love me?

Do You forgive us?

I keep saying goodnight

before reading my story...

It will be your first birthday

on the seventh of September

but You won't spend It with us.

You, my Kitty, Me, your Girl.

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