

you have my heart and the love I have in my soul, the only feelings and emotions I go through in every day I
once that had me toxically outta control. told me never to let no one in and keep it safe only for you, you locked it up and kept the key bc this is one life until forever for the love of us two. you broke down my walls and with gentle hands replaced each brick w one of you made, each of pure unconditional love and sweet care helping me heal and find myself In a deeper sincere healthy type of way.
you became the guard and my keeper to keep anyone else from breaching infiltrating with hopes of harm. never Wass I safer than when I was wrapped up so tight in your strong gentle arms.
never will I look at love the same because of you, you changed my view and taught me more than everything I thought I knew.
im forever thankful that I found a love like this, I never knew it really existed but I'm reminded with each soft kiss.
so much inside of me i can't contain of within like a bomb I'm bout to combust, its that strong I can't cope, and some call this lust.
I became addicted to you getting higher than the drugs I consume to numb out the reality of life's pain, but you outweigh all the heartache and took it all away.