

one of the many faces
as my grandmothers dementia starts to run it’s course
I became one of the faces she’s never met before
right on Mother’s Day, the day that you’re supposed to thank the women in your life
she forgot who I was, and how one of the ways I became a creation was through her life
how all of our relatives faces run through me, my blood, and some of my personality
I’ve been scared of the day that this would happen
wishing I could go back in time to being the little girl who sat on her lap
when she wasn’t confused and had her sharp mind
her wit, and humor, and being my grandmother all combined
I miss the grandmother i knew as a child
before life got hard and took away my smile
when she was still soft in some places, even though she had always been tough
when she was more full of love
I mourn some of the relationship that I never got
I mourn even more now that she’s beginning to forget
oh life, how you can be so painfully quick.