

Curtains Of Dark
Curtains Of Dark

The light of truth
seems behind some
curtains of dark.

It seems the truth
would always be hidden
Under the soil of the graveyard.

In the darkness with loneliness
In the surrounding of ghostly voices
Searching for its bright light,
Under the soil of graveyard

It seems the truth
Would become invisible
With the fake voice of falsehood.

Ghostly people could strive hard
To perish the presence of Angel
In the graveyard of world.

But the light is like a fire
And Can easily burn
the black smoke of falsehood
With its presence.

And the Truth is like a sharp knife
And Can easily cut the sharpness of falsehood with its presence.

The light of truth Is always will be

with the light of day
And with the shine of night

Like the Sun & the Moon.
© Aqee✨