

"Resilience in Twenty-Four: A Middle Class Tale"
In the prime of youth, at twenty-four, In the middle class, dreams soar.
Yet the cruel grasp of unemployment's hand, Leaves aspirations stuck in shifting sand.

Diplomas gleam, skills honed with care, But job offers scarce, leaving hearts to bear.
The weight of uncertainty, the fear of tomorrow, In the midst of plenty, drowning in sorrow.

Seeking purpose, seeking gain, But the job market's silence brings only pain.
Yet amidst the struggle, hope flickers bright, Guiding souls through the darkest night.

For in resilience, in courage bold, Lies the strength to rise, to break the mold.
Though unemployment's grip may try to hold fast, With perseverance, the future's cast.

So stand tall, oh youth of twenty-four, From the middle class, your spirit soar. For in the face of trials, you'll surely find, The power within, to leave unemployment behind.