

The Same.
Upon the words that reached my ears,

My feet stopped in their tracks.

If I could shed a single tear,

It would be, looking back.

I posed my voice with confidence,

I hid my shaking hands.

But as I turned to walk away,

His words I understand.

He looked at me with smile of joy,

He pat me on the back.

He turned to look at those around,

Commenting on changes had.

But when he spoke about my youth,

His words they were engraved.

'You haven't changed at all,' He said,

'You're still the same today.'

'The same, but bigger.'

Yet desperate to change.

His words boring through me,

They filled me with rage.

But not that he said them,

But because it's true,

With all of my trails,

I am no one new.

I fight with my struggles,

I fight with my past,

I fight with my lovers,

I fight looking back,

I fight moving forward,

I fight standing still,

But with all the fighting,

No peace will be near.

The same,

Just bigger.

© Tobias Winters.