

This Body

I grew up with people saying things like,
"Bukola, you're so thin!" "Don't you eat well?" "See as you resemble the number 1". And with nicknames like,"Bone straight" "crayfish" "toothpick" "thinny boko" and many other hurtful, hurtful ones.

I don't get it.

How does being thin affect me as a whole? Why should it affect me? Why do people refuse to see pass my figure? And why on earth do they jump at me with hurtful comments about my shape every chance they get?.

Can't they try to keep their comments to themselves once in a while? . I mean,Gosh!, I'm not a robot,I have feelings for damnsakes!.

What do you gain from making someone else feel like shit? . Can't you just keep your mouth shut and leave the person alone?. Aren't you aware that those words of yours actually affects the recipient?.

It truly bugs me when people are unnecessarily mean. Truly.

What exactly is your problem?
There's enough unhappiness in the world without you adding to it;There are bigger issues than one's weight or size.

Stop body shaming people!. It's hurtful and mean.

Stop making me feel like...like there's something wrong with me.

I'm perfectly alright.

Being thin isn't something I should be ashamed of ,or hate. It's my body, and I love my body the way it is. And honestly,

I don't care anymore, what anyone has to say about it. I'm no longer twelve.

"She's too curvy,she should lose some weight.
She's too thin,she has no curves"

No!, you're too judgmental and should stop saying shit like that.

If it's not your body, it's not yours to comment on.

©Nikki Odumosu

#Aceclub #sahprompts #skylinearthub #writingstreak