

The gift of life
Happy Birthday they all say ,
But you are the reason I celebrate today .
You gave me this world and that means more than I can explain .
You raised me to be kind , caring and sweet .
You raised me to be strong,
To never be scared to except my wrong .
You always made sure that I was loved ,
And that I felt free .
You never made to feels as in it was wrong to be me .
You gave me freedom but made me disciplint .
You made sure I was proud but made me humble.
You taught me to love with my entire heart .
Each new day is a new start .
Each day I wanna be more like you.
Each minute I feel more attached to you.
And anything I'd do ,
I'd never forget how much I love you.

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happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday happy birthday
happy birthday to me