

To An Unborn Son | Ominous Inspiration
My dearest son, in the realm of time,
There's something I must share, though it may chime,
I may not make it to see your sweet face,
But know, my love for you will never erase.

The purity of your soul, a radiant light,
Lifts a weight off my back, brings me delight.
In this vast world, you offer me reprieve,
Like a shady area on a scorching eve.

You have the power within, my precious one,
To accomplish great feats under the shining sun.
Whether in this death or the one that awaits,
You will surely find success, peace that emanates.

Know this, my child, with love, I'll be near,
Even if my presence isn't visible or clear.
While I may not witness your very first steps,
You've already imprinted upon my heart, no regrets.

A tragedy of happiness it may seem,
Yet, your existence is like a dazzling dream.
Though I may not catch your earliest smile or tear,
I'll strive to shield you from sorrow, forever near.

Believe in yourself, my brave little soul,
You'll reach heights beyond what I could ever extol.
With or without this world, greatness you will find,
You're destined to shine, leaving no doubts behind.

In this tender moment, let my words resound,
My love for you, my child, knows no bound.
Though our time together may be cut too short,
My spirit and love for you will forever transport.

Take hold of every opportunity that comes your way,
Embrace death's journey, let your spirit sway.
For in your heart, my legacy shall live,
Through love, strength, and the joy that you give.

Remember, my child, you are never alone,
In every challenge you face, strength will be shown.
And as you walk through death's wondrous aisle,
Know that your father's love will always bring a smile.
© NightSwimThePoet