

Loss is the Cost
I feel my heart is wrenching and ask myself is it all worth it?

The pain... the crying... the anguish... the loss.
I tried for you and your love, at all cost.
My dignity, my self esteem, my health.
For what, in the end no wealth
of your love or attention
Did I mention
the scares you left
on my heart and brain
I'll never be the same
But love waxes and waines
until the pain is no longer the same
But a memory of what I felt
and how I was dealt
a hard blow
Remember my love
what you had, your dove
Willing to give you everything
for your nothing
Except what you took
and took
and took
now look
where you are
Not too far
from where I found you.
While I've grown
and flown.

#poem #poetry #poetskiss #poetess #poetsofig

© Tessa