

Grumpy X sunshine
Once upon a time, in a world so bright,
There lived a sunshine guy, full of delight.
With a smile that could light up the darkest day,
He spread warmth and cheer in his own special way.

But nearby, there was a grumpy girl, you see,
With a frown on her face, as grumpy as can be.
She seemed tough on the outside, with walls built high,
But deep down, she was a softie, I can't deny.

Their paths crossed one day, in a twist of fate,
The sunshine guy and the grumpy girl, a curious mate.
He tried to crack her tough shell, with all his might,
With kindness and patience, he brought her into the light.

At first, she resisted, pushing him away,
But he saw through the grumpiness, day by day.
He showed her compassion, understanding her pain,
And slowly, her icy heart began to regain.

She discovered that underneath her grumpy facade,
Lay a heart full of love, waiting to applaud.
The sunshine guy saw her true colors shine,
And together, they created a love so divine.

With his warmth and her softness, they were quite a pair,
A perfect balance of sunshine and care.
For they learned that love can heal and transform,
Even the grumpiest hearts can weather the storm.

So, my friend, never judge a book by its cover,
For hidden depths lie within each other.
A sunshine guy and a grumpy girl, an unlikely blend,
But love can soften even the toughest of hearts in the end.
© bably