

The Heart Wants What It Wants(#2 in the crush series)
Let me hold your hand
Let me help you up
I can be a friend
And tell you not to give up
I want to tell you things
That might not seem real
I want to let you know how I really feel
I want to tell you the truth that's holding me back
So please, oh please, cut me some slack!

Can you read my face?
Can you hear my heart race ?
My hope's shooting up
Enough is enough!!

The heart wants what it wants
So hear it goes
Taking the risk
Letting you know,
You might laugh in my face
But I don't care now
Cause I'm not thinking straight
About what I'm going to blurt out somehow
Before and oh,it might be late
But it is surely true
I just wanted to say that
I love you.....
© la_diaz