

The Royal Genesis
As I Read through the books
I can find the words that decode
I become a poet
Not by circuit but by pursuit
As I am fostering the new generation
I always wanted to be famous
I reclaim that the theories
Put forward are worries
I don't know whether I am scholar
I don't know how how to use my knowledge
As I dream of the Hollywood boulevard
I can see the stars who
Repainted in the cartoon
The bey blade rotates through the axis
As the earth which protea Round the earth
My frustration is my inspiration
My gestures are my sorrows
As I walk through the mountain of ideas
I don't know where to put my ideas
As I can repeat the words in my mind
I always begin with the rattle
Let it not the rattle of a reptile
As I leap infto the generation
As my sketch is made by poverty
As I reclaim the the knowledge
I can always see Shakespeare in the atmosphere
The spheres contains the green house effect
The economic system that persist
Define the Conglomeration of the philosophy
Let the judiciary be independent
Where it could find the innocent
The lost lives from a disaster
Defined the empathy of the soul
But one day everyone must go
The nature rebounds it's impact
As a basketball rebounds from the ring
The Genesis defines creation
As I fear we are the end chapter of Bible
The law of conservation of energy
Conserve the society
Not the individual
Let it be the Formation of a new world
As Stephen Hawking's predicted from his limitations
Life is not a limitation
Never ever look upon what they say
I delve into the brains
Where I can assume the psychology
I wish that all emotions would be associated
Through the soul which connects the blood and veins.