

Rainbows are
Vagabond vacillating vagrant,
Vainglorious of variegated visage,
A vivacious vision verifying,
The verisimilitude of the virtuoso,

Iridescent irrevocably invalidating incredulity,
Implications of incessant invocation imploring to impede the inclement inundation
An idyllic incorporating incongruity inducing ineffable intrepid intransigence,
An inspiration for an introvert,

Bestowing beatitude banishing banality,
A benison behove of his benign benevolence,
For the blighted bereft because of their blunders,

Geniality garnished with garish gist,
Germinating the graphics for the grandeur guise of LGBTQ grappling with gerontocracy,
To generate their own genealogy on gazettes,

Yield of a yeomen's (a British farmer) yelping and yodel since yesteryear,
Yearning of a youngster yawning in his yacht,

Opalescent obituary for ominous obscurity,
Ordained by the omnipresent,
Ornated with his opulence,
To obtrude optimism and not to be oblivious of his omnipotence,

Regal but recluse,
A relic recurring to regale and recount his resentment,
A representation of his retribution,
Refuting to retrograde we are resilient and,
Resolved to relish his repertoire for our reminiscence.

Image credit: To owner
© paradoxicalpenman