

Far There I Went
Far from the busy chimneys,
Lies a place untroubled standing serene.
I followed those arterial silver lines,
That lead me to that calm scene.

To the north of Kangsabati,
Glorified by her bed full of hidden treasures.
The river proving her existence,
Reviving the history of the place in list of Mahajanapads.

We reached those elevated channels,
The beauty lies high and low.
The roads went on right and left,
I loved the way they took me upflow.

From the rugged and rocky cliff,
She flows in as "Bamni"
But evidences still proving,
The monsoon making her angry.

The setting is of a river
Hugged by green hills
The water flows interrupted,
With lower and upper dams in strings.

In end of a rugged loop,
Lies a waterbody,
The wind flows breezy
Making Khairabera calm filled with merry.

In the land of Bhadu and Tushu,
I got into the drums of Chauu
Finding the history of Charida
The art is creative in that lovely plateau.

I find ways back to this smoky conurbation
But my memories still rolling the scenery
That I was lost in beauty of Purulia
In her vehement greenary.
© Mayukh