

Lost verse
Our song, this was our song
We started this together, now I finish it alone
Alone, this solo won't be happy but I have to try my best you help me realize that
Still, it continues to hurt that you're not here helping me
Please help me
we started off so strong our bond felt airtight or so I thought
Although two different tempos we found some Harmony
Now we can no longer harmonize, dissonance greater than ever it still continues to grow
You spoke forever to me and like a fool I believed such kind eyes I never seen the evil lurking behind, such shame on me
I should have known better
Tears dried, lesson learned, new chapter Can only move forward no backtracking but honestly I do it all again I'm only human what can I say? I'm shattered and who's going to save the day?
This is my solo though time to be a hero for myself, it may seem selfish
Always saving everyone else no one was there for me
Not anymore, im my own hero...
© ~andre99