

What I want?
"Sometimes I just want to run away," I said to myself,
"But from whom?" I asked myself,
"I don't know," I replied to myself,
"Really?" I asked myself,
"Maybe." I hesitated from me,
"Tell me I'm listening," I told to myself,
"Maybe I want to run away from the crowd, rush, people, expectations, disappointments, problems, and ..."
I tried to tell myself,
"You just want to hide not run understand it," I told myself.
"So what if I understand it I don't know what its solution is."I tried to sound helpless.
"You can try to face it," I advised myself.
"I'm a coward." I cleared myself.
"You are just scared and it's okay to be scared sometimes but remember one day you will need to stand up for yourself," I told the truth myself.
© sparkling light