

"Sorry This Seat Is Taken”
"Sorry this seat is taken",
Reserved for the elitists and tokens,
Feeling like an outcast,
Can never be in your contrived class,
Is it that I am from the wrong shade of your social spectrum?
You chase prestige and willing to march to others' drums,
Jumping through hoops to be accepted,
Even your own you have rejected.

Forgotten your roots,
Willing to sell your own parents to boot,
Just to be seated at the table,
Of pretense, self-righteousness and distorted history fables,
You bartered your soul to the devil for fortune and fame,
Not really comprehending that the ones pulling your strings do not consider you equal or the same,
You are only a pawn in their game,
A fall guy…just someone to take the blame and buffer their lies and shame.

Now is my turn to say, "Sorry this seat is taken",
Reserved only for the outcasts and forsaken,
The ones who are free to make their own choices without fear,
And although not in your contrived social class, their consciences are clear.
We all know that when they have no more use for you,
You will be discarded like an old pair of shoes.
But because we do not discriminate,
We will reserve a seat at our table of love, where all are welcome to participate
© Audrey Malcolm