

I think I know how Romeo felt
When Juliet “died”
When she was “poisoned”, and hung out to dry

A peculiar feeling, of sadness and grief
And suffering stronger than any means
But I must keep quiet because no one was lost
I fear they’d never understand the undying cost

I don’t know if it’s costs me, or if it costs them
For when they leave, I begin to cry again
I suspect they don’t want to me to weep
While I don’t want them to see
When I am not me

So they walk out the door
And I’m left with myself
To grieve their absence
As if they died
Never to return
Snap out of it!

Of course they will return!
What am I thinking??
I’m thinking they will realize
That when they’re without me
Their life is ever flourishing
While I’m ever tarnishing
So I will weep

I’ll weep for the loss that never existed
And then they’ll come ‘round the next day
When I will forget they ever walked away
My eyes now dry
But then that door will open
And out they go
The cycle repeats
While the tears begin to flow
© Katie Martin