

The wall has ears.
The wall has ears they say;
A notorious snitch in the shadow it lurks,
I was told it will betray me
Ensuring my shame, a treacherous monster,
I was told it's the king's stooge
Loyalty sold for a dime
Relaying my words to the king, as stories unfold,
"The wall has ears," they remind with dread,
Its treachery capable of bringing me to my end
But, oh, what if this wall, this silent friend,
Is the only one on whom I can depend?
Unjudging, it listens to my deepest confide,
For friends have turned, leaving wounds open wide.
Called a fool by companions, now turned astray,
Only the wall remains, night and day,
When all crumbles, my solace it has become,
A faithful listener, where judgment is none.

© Beelpoet