

The lake
The lake had always heard

That the sea is very huge and deep

It always wanted to see the sea

Through mountains it always used to peep

With lot of sadness and broken heart

It always used to imagine and think

"I am so small, I have no dolphins

In my stomach, the wastes stink"

It prayed to god

"I wanna talk to you

Please come out of those dense clouds

My sad heart wants to speak to you"

Through the clouds came a divine light

God's smiling face was shining golden bright

As soon as the lake thought of its own

Outraged and angry, it burst out at God

"Why I have been given this birth?

You are a cheat! You are a fraud"

"I neither nurture the fierce sharks

Nor do I have the beautiful dolphins

I don’t even have those huge waves.

Why am I being punished? What are my sins?"

In a very calm and sweet voice

Came god's instantaneous reply

"One day you will know. One day you will realize.

You will get the answer for your this 'why' "

As god vanished into the clouds

The Lake still whirled and moved rough

But finally calmed down

And made itself tough

The days passed

The lake still unhappy and unsatisfied

It was still sad

And sometimes it really cried

One fine day

Out of those high mountains, the sea peeped

For the first time, it saw the life on other side

It was really amazed and an envy creeped.

As the lake stared at him, the sea opened its mouth and started speaking

"You are so lucky. You are so fortunate

You feed the cattle and grow the lotus

You are so beautiful. You are so great

You cool the village in times of heat

Your sweet water quenches people's thirst

You mean them life. They owe you a lot.

In times of desperation, they remember you first.”

As the lake looked confused and puzzled,

The sea went on to speak out its heart

"You yourself don’t know what you are.

You don’t know that you represent god's best art"

Given a chance, I would always like to be a lake

And be a source of people’s happiness

You may not have the sharks and dolphins

But your flowers are offered to the great HIGHNESS

My water is salty

I cannot have flowers

People curse me for my high tides

Destruction results due to my powers

Please, Please for Heaven's sake

I wish I was also a beautiful lake

Surprised and shocked, the lake asked

"Do you really mean whatever you said?"

The sea wept and slowly nodded

And returned quietly to its own bed

At that instance, in the lake's waters

A nice and beautiful lotus bloomed

The lake felt enlightened

And the environment gloomed

Since then, the lake has always smiled

And showered its love on every child

You may not be rich

You may not have the best looks

You may not have what others have

You may not be the best of cooks

But you are definitely best at something

Something at which others are really bad

So be contented with your own properties

Be a master in your own skills, and never let yourself to be sad

Life is to be lived

Life is to be cherished

You cannot regain your moments of life

Once they are really lost and vanished

Everyone has a talent in himself

Make use of it at its full

Enjoy your art, enjoy your skills

And make your life meaningful!