

first sight with crazy lines
First sight of cute moment

Mama Papa gave a warning,
'stay away from handsome boys'
Oh my parents! why am I so careless?

Both shoulders rubbing made me feel,
like going round in Ferris wheel
oh my goodness! Is this amusement park?

Fire in your eyes, it makes me freezecold
and my heart beat feels so fasten
oh my god! do I've heart attack?

Bigger scars in my face goes faded
all the way, for your smile
Oh! Ah! Ah! Am I blushing?

My hormone getting violeted causes
ringing ding ding inside me
La! La! La! How organs keep dancing?

Baby, please don't mind it, I'll take an oath for you
you crazy world " his place, no replace"
Oh my baby! you're mine..

© san