

From pain to peace
You had a great deal of pain inside
That you kept to yourself and tried to hide

But the pain was running its course
You had no one to talk to about it's source

All people saw was the fake smiles you'd wear
You put up a front to keep everyone unaware

Everyday the pain ate away at your happiness
People never knew about the feelings of emptiness

Even people who knew you for a while weren't cognitive
They never knew the battles you fought just to live

No one saw the fighting that was taking place in your mind
Through the pain some sort of peace you'd try and find

You were strong but your strength was fading fast
You didn't know how long the charade could last

Finally you slipped down to the end of your rope
You found yourself holding on to your last once
of hope

At this time things were looking a little bleak
Then in your spirit you heard a voice speak

It was a small still voice that said come to me
That out of this darkness I'll help see

You didn't understand everything to its full extent
You just felt the message was divinely sent

So you cried out Lord help me with this pain
Your peace in my life I hope to obtain

The peace you sought materlized
It's because the source of true peace was realized

Now you're a witness to what real peace can do
You tell everybody if He did it for me He can do it for you

© Frederick Nicholas