

What is Love.
Do You Love me for my Eyes
Do You smile with me For my legs
Do you love me for my Radiance
Do you love me for my Scent
Do you love me for my Possession
Do you love me or my physique..
Do you love me for my Words
Do you love me or my Body
Do you love me for my glamour
Do you love me for my Lies
When my Eyes go blind, will your heart still beat for me
If my Legs you always loved ,I don't have anymore, Will you still admire me
My Possessions may go but will you stay back with me
My body might gain some weight and the body which you loved so much is no more, will you still keep your eyes on me and your stare would it still be mine.
If my scent,my fragrance that once used to leave you over the moon is no more, will you still be my admirer
If I don't know my words anymore, will you still desire me,
If my Glamour and fame I no longer desire but a peaceful and quiet surround I desire, Will you still be with me
If I open up my truth and be myself with you, Will you still love my personality,
You have mistaken your desires and expectations as love and used me to fuffil your expectations but the love which I desired from you, ye has deprived me of ,
Is this the meaning of Love in your heart ,does your Love exist with a "For","Because".
Why do you love me with a desire of yours
Why haven't you look deep into my soul and love me for who I truly am,
My Personality My Identity you know nothing of but your expectations has taken your eyes away from the real me and your desires Satisfied.
The Pain of realizing that your Love had started from an Unfilled Desire has left me shattered.
The Realization I know now has left my Body dirty, my Heart broken.
And now I ask What is your Meaning of Love.

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