

Why should I think about the days?
which I have left behind.
Why shouldn't I move with the flame?
which is enlightening the rhymes of my poetic life.
Why should I recall those problems?
which has shooked me from inside.
Why shouldn't I follow the beam,
which has shown me the glooming light

I have thought for many times,
why those dark pasts
have kept me behind.
But I forgot to look deep inside,
where the lamp was burning bright,
somewhere in the heart of mine,
which was removing all my crise,
and gave rebirth to my original shine.
Why shouldn't I burn with the lamp,
to fight with the evils of my dark time?
why shouldn't I keep the fire,
once again in my veins and in my eyes?
The heat of which, will cast a deep strong verses of the song
of my life.

@Riya's poetry..
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