

May the Truth Set You Free
In your mind, everything seems fine.
You say you perceive but still receive deceit,
Spinning through the same revolving door
Of disease, homelessness, and addiction with no cure,
Leaving brothers, sisters, daughters, and sons ignored.
War and death are worn like pride on your vests.
Will you stand with me and call their bluff? Wake up!
The mind's eye is infected and injected; it's time for resurrection.
I heed the call to build an ark,
Not swept away by a flood of lies.
I'll look in the mirror and recognize
The implanted lies of imperfection inside,
Using introspection and reflection.
With your real eyes, see the absurdity:
God’s children were not meant for deception
Or anything less than perfection.
Who benefits from this trick of the mind?
Those who teach we cannot see God or understand.
The serpent tricked you, hiding your destiny, God’s plan.
Let’s go to the beginning, connect the moments.
What if Eve’s bitten apple started our disease,
Injected with venom to infect the mind’s eye,
Making us think we suffer and die?
Slaves who give our souls away since that day,
I hear God every day, see Him in your eyes, and cry.
I search for your soul, but the windows of your eyes are closed.
Help me carry this message. I'm speaking in tongues; why won’t you listen?
God’s song has been sung; the savior has come.
God is in you. Look inside, find the sight of the single eye,
Find the light within.
God shows your perfection through His reflection.
Eyes are the windows to the soul; don’t fear your mirror image.
You are love, more real than the serpent’s deception.
Invoke your memories, venture into the mystical mysteries,
Take your inner voice seriously.
Humanity must stop this insanity; it’s not our reality.
Ironically, we are virtual reality,
God's love is vitality, framing your being.
You are God inside, a virtual reality.
God is love and compassion, made us in His fashion.
When you look in the mirror, see the merging of your eyes,
Creating a trilogy, a third single eye with perfect sight.
Follow this vision, gain true wisdom,
Transform through God’s vision, conquer division.
The power is within us. Show the perfection in our reflection.
Open your neighbor’s soul windows once you have the vision.
Rise up, wear the body God gave you with pride.
Stop giving your gifts away, stop waiting. Act today or waste away.
Listen to the art, see the music, taste the roses,
Smell the intuition’s textures.
We are God’s children; he screams at us to stop and listen.
Use your FREE WILL to be free.
He says look in the mirror, we are His mirror image.
Use your imagination to free your spirit from the trap in your mind,
To see with your single eye.
Realize the third eye gland’s illumination and grandeur.
Take a stand as we gain numbers and speed,
The chosen who chose themselves, remembering the oath
To free humanity from imperfection’s lies,
From disease and depression.
Brave beings rewriting the script, attuned to God’s symphony.
Hope and faith give us the power to turn time’s hands,
To jump timelines. We are not victims; we’ve been contained.
The darkness fears us because we no longer obey.
We don't have to fear God; those who told us to fear are the darkness
That corrupted God's greatest creation.
We are his imagination, making this world a whole nation.
Fear this only if you feared we’d awaken.
I’ll lift the curse; it’s in my bones, my being.
My God gives me strength and courage to go against the grain,
Log out of the game.
He gives me the power of a double-edged sword with flames,
To see God’s love and slay demons,
To unite beings for a new earth’s creation.
Choose yourself to be chosen, use the eye trilogy
To see the metaphors we left when oppressed.
We wore the vest of war, threw ourselves into the revolving door,
Recycling our souls in a confined dimension.
No longer will I feed the darkness my imagination,
God’s creation.
This is where I take off, my space station.
I’m flying. Watch me soar out of the cycle,
Into a new dimension of paradise,
Where God lives and breathes in us.
Hope, faith, and love illuminate the path.
This is the light, it’s time to take flight.
We are God’s children, his imagination.
The darkness fears us, but we are not afraid.
We awaken today.
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