

Who says being poor is bad?
Who says one can't beg when hungry?
Poverty is not a crime,
rather it's part of life.
If one is not poor how can another be said to be wealthy?
I am poor not because I want to, but because life put me in it.

life is hard, but people in it makes it harder.
I believe in the words that say;
"Ask and you shall get"
I see no crime in asking for i ask all the time.
I am a beggar and i am proud to say it.
I beg all my life and I know it's now part of me.
If it was a crime I should have long been arrested, but it's not a crime. So let me beg in peace.

Who has not asked before, raise your hands let me see you.
Everyone ask once in a while so why is mine different?

I will ask whosever I choose to, cause it's what keeps me going.
Begging is in my blood now and I believe it's a peaceful way of surviving this harsh world.

Not everyone gives me when I beg.
Some give, others turn away.
Some even frown at me while others spit at my face.

I don't care at all, for if they know it they would not judge me.
I didn't ask to be poor, no one will ask for that.

I would love a nice life, sitting in my apartment and eating breakfast with my family but here I am all alone with no one to call my own.

Nevertheless, i should be happy for having life.
But i have always dreamt that one-day I will be able again.
Able to live like each and everyone of you that passed by.
Then the sun will not smite me anymore, nor the rain drench my clothes.

When furtune decides to smile on me, I will smile back to the world and I promise to make sure that I give back to the poor.
"I have been there once", I will say to them.

I won't judge them, no! no!! no!!!
I won't condemn them either.
Rather, I will encourage them.
I will tell them not to worry that one day they will also smile like me.

I very much believe that by the time you get this message,
I should be long gone.
Either amongst the elite in the society like I have always dreamt,
or maybe who knows,
I may be long gone and my body devored by hungry street dogs.

Now let this words register in your heart.
whenever you see a beggar try to encourage them because they also want to live like you someday.
© sabihenro