

I want to know you.

Not by the curve
of your strong face,
or the intensity of your eyes.

Not merely by a chance of fate,
or the way you came into my life.

I want the intimate meeting of our minds.
Oblivious to concepts of
distance and time.

An intricate ripple onto
the surface of an eternity.

For a moment on this crowded earth,
amongst a backdrop of endless eyes,
let's make our glances meet.

Those dark pools can solidify -
both the beginning and the end -
of a vast unknown, for me.

Before you;
love could be nothing more than fantasy.
Dreams of what might be,
& sometimes a mirage
of what I wanted it to mean.

I know now:
It was always you -
my most silent wish
and my every gasp of hope.

I want to graze the surface of your soul.
Only to wade into every
terrifying and magnificent
depth of you.

Is there a pinnacle?
A place so brittle?

That one must be careful
to chip away
at your delicate walls,
so that my light
may only desire to reach.

Can't I go even further?

So that our skin cannot begin to measure,
a caress that brushes so deep?

How can I explore someone forever,
when I'm waiting again just to meet?

© Merrr