

Where Will You Spend Eternity
Filtering rays of sunshine,
Brighten up my day,
My heart swells with hope and pride,
Keen for the glories coming my way...
It's what a child of God would say
When the love of Jesus is in your heart
And walk in His way from the start
Though you may face hard ships, persecution, and pain
The sun will shine through the rain
And eternal life is what you have gained
Who has control of your heart?
The world or God
For you can't have both and you must choose
The world is full of sin and will be destroyed
Or have Jesus Christ in your heart and walk in His way and have eternal life with Him
The clock is ticking and time is running out
Don't let the lies of this world fill your mind with doubt
Jesus is coming back really soon and this from the rooftops I will shout

© FieryFurie