


Someone who'd care for you , from childhood?,
Someone who is so doting, that you barely can alter that uniqueness?,
Someone who endured all to bring you alive, all she stood?,
Mother is far better than these, anything i know she could?,

Mother is a woman, a woman so distinct; so clear,
Mother can endure all, the direst of pains she'd bear,
Mother is so courageous, undaunting and brave, she can never fear,

The most pleasant word in history is indubitably; mother,
The most sacred word in man's mouth, is still; mother,
The most complete sentence in history is 'mother'
Mother is complete, mother is wise, mother is clever,

If not for mother, i shouldn't have existed, sure,
Mother deserves the best from all her progenies,
respect mother "she gave birth to father", mother!,
Mother, mother, she's made great people, mother is great,

She's a superwoman, she advises with her heart,
She's my hero, mother is the most humane being,
She's perfect, she is placid, mother, you are good,
All progenies will forever cherish their mothers.

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