

I hate it when people say nice car, nice hat,nice shoes.
Like,I didn't make this shit fool.
I brought it so wouldn't it be more reasonable to say nice "purchase", because I spent earnings to acquire it?
It's not like I put mental skill and physical trade to design this thing that you compliment,it doesn't even have my name on it so in all reality I don't even own it. Get it!
Oh this shirt here you think is so fresh so  clean?  Right before I copped it I thought the same thing.
I guess we favor the same things, sorta kinda.
I don't even get it when people say "Hey bro NICE DOG"!
Hey I didn't make little Biscuit ,pick it's breed,color,or,gender or if it would be huge or massive, lazy or active or if his temperament would be aggressive or passive.
Again I just purchased the damn things.
Ur complement on senseless shit is like saying "Bless you when I sneeze." Like what does that even mean?
No one blesses anyone when they rip a fart into the breeze.
I mean what's the difference between a mouth and an ass? One lacks tongue and teeth.
2 holes connected between 2 pair of cheeks.
Ah don't even speak. Feel like I'm talking to an ass anyway and believe you me. There's no way in hell I want an ass speaking back to me.
All this shits Pre-itty odd when u think, if u think.

© Vaga Pesoj