

Her Embrace:- Child's Greatest Gift...
Happiest Mother's day to all the hardworking and beautiful mothers 🫶🥰🌷

In the morning light, her smile does shine,
A beacon of love, so tender, so kind.
Her gentle touch, like a warm embrace,
Guides me through life, with grace and with grace.

With hands that soothe, and words that heal,
She's the anchor, the strength, that I feel.
In her embrace, all worries subside,
For in her love, I safely reside.

Her laughter, a melody, sweet and clear,
Chasing away any hint of fear.
Through every triumph, through every trial,
Her love remains steadfast, all the while.

On this special day, with gratitude profound,
I celebrate the love that knows no bound.
To my mother, my rock, my guiding light,
Happy Mother's Day, forever in sight.

-By Scrystal
© Shreya R. G. Kanade