

The unsung hero.
Child's first real hero.

There are many shades of a DAD,
be it happy,kind,angry,strict,well mannered,manly,genuine,handsome and so on that we could describe DAD.
Any shade of character he expresses,
all of it comes out just for the wellness of his child.
As children, we might haven't understood it, we might have just lamented about Dad's behaviour.

What ever income Dad's pocket has,
first share goes to children.
What ever expense Dad faces,
he first keeps some fund for Children and then spend the rest.
Dad might be a breadwinner for the family,
He might have sacrificed his bread itself to feed his children.

Dad of girl child might have been a protector shield of their life.
Dad of boy child might have been a role model in reality of their life.

He may have a lot of role to play in his own life, but he will have the heart&mind to solve any challenges he faces.
He will be the strongest pillar of support for the family.

For all those role model DAD,
Your children love you so much for who you are.

© Padmaja