

Only the Blind can see

Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock..
I keep my cool and watch as the destruction happens with my evil wicked smile
I LAUGH in the faces of the BLIND who are too IGNORANT TO SEE.
Your compassion shows in the hate that you give
Your fat bank accounts flow with the love that you receive,
Your blindness shows at the tear stained faces of the meek
Your deaf ears remain at the cries of the innocent
Blind and deaf is better for you than love and compassion, it's a sparkly distraction
But I'm wide awake and I will spread
my truth and I can help those that cannot help themselves
If we put away pride, if put away hate, if we put away fear, if we put away greed then and only then can we all help heal what is broken.