

I found my happiness today
i found my happiness today
it was so close yet so far away
i looked inside for a long long time
shook my mind up I felt so blind
scratching the surface within very deep
so thoughtfully searching for th t key
sat alone in my brokenness
that alone showed me what hope is
tears of the past haunted me daily
years went fast people tried to break me

I found my happiness today
it was so close yet so far away
I took many steps to my destination
I looked many places an didn't obtain it
furious I've felt anger is contagious
curious I've dealt with plenty sad faces
I found a huge amount of things I am not
my happiness I knew was lost
I steadied an laughed an the bad I shook off
it kept returning like hey u forgot
the bad th t I yearn was merely cropped
yet I found my happiness today it was so close yet so far away
I looked inside went very deep
all along it was me the very key that makes me happy

© UhMandahlstar