

I will Stay
Two lovers who promise never to leave each other,
A sequel they might gather, while rain scatters,
But lately, it's been one woe after another

Aren't no pain like this
Where your love could lose deal
And every morn tears be tea
If there be any hope, let's see
For ours is going further beyond the sea

We don't want to let go
tho' the storm turn a tempest
Even the wind go whirl and wicked
The woes we will brave
And sustain a love scar so true

As we sleep to the pitter patter
Sound of the rain so familiar
To dream into a hope we can't lay hold
A faith of diminishing fire
How to awake to life undim

Guess everything is a dream
Guess life really is a game
And it sucks with no winner
Everyday is a step in willful decision
And I have made one today

Despise the storms and pains
I am here, hope or not

© Daintytigress