

She loves, that's all she is able to.

She loves hard and helplessly,
The kind who believes in the fairytale kind of endings;
Hearing the wedding bells and happily ever after stuff.

She loves being in love;
with the whole wooing; serenading; love songs; the flowers; the sensual lifts; butterflies in the stomach kind of...
often being mocked for her ridiculous expectations and termed as childish.

Each ending announces its own storms wrecking her.
But somehow, each ending flourishes her.
And she splahes in her own joys and tears endless seasons.

And then weeps for unrequited love.
Yet, each new ending fills her with unknown gems that make her bolder and more giving.
She blooms and loves all the more...

Not because she waits for others to love her...
Not because she believes in others .
Just because, each of the ending brings her closer to her own being,
Showering her with love for herself;
And the more she loves her, she experiences that unquenchable need to bestow others with that exquisite taste of loving.

That's what endings plant in her:
Shimmering flames to love deeper and welcoming new starts with new ones.

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