

Oh Pain, the mighty one who makes one desire death. You have the power to my emotions and physical ability. How scared I am of you!

You are unavoidable, inevitable, attachment and a part of human cycle of life.
Yes, you are wonderful in your ways, you have the power to wake a sleeping man from his slumber, as well as making a disappointed man to feel motivated.

How powerful are you to make a man desire you in the time of foolishness! We desire and despise you PAIN, you make a strong man vulnerable likewise make a weak man spirited! how great! what a tragedy and comedy you are PAIN.

You bring tears and sorrow to the heart of the joyful, you bring agony to a fragile entity, you are worse than Death! Death comes once but you deal with man's sanity gradually in a painful way. I have had my share of you so far in life and I know I can’t escape your cruelty until I am put to rest by Death.

Funny how you come in different dimensions and methods. You come soft yet PAINFUL and you come harder, an extremely agony called PAIN!
Oh, great PAIN, have pity on me! it takes a graceful and a strong will to handle your claws of judgement.

© Charis'🖋️